Today’s youth are constantly reminded that they are inheriting a world afflicted by environmental degradation, nuclear proliferation, war, poverty, racial injustice, mass incarceration and continued senseless human rights violations. These conditions are the effects of colonization and have created a sense of separation and disconnection from our earth, each other, and all of natural creation. Imagine how our youth feel about inheriting a planet in peril. How can we do our part to ensure our youth of a safe and healthy future? In a new documentary, The Calling: Heal Ourselves, Heal Our Planet we follow 4 youth from Hawaii, as they journey across the globe seeking wisdom and solutions from elders, visionaries and scientists to our most urgent individual and planetary challenges.
The Calling, a riveting new documentary brings you face to face with youth who despite their fears, doubt, hurt and anger about the world they’ve inherited, are willing to do everything possible to break the cycle of abuse and dysfunction among human beings and towards Mother Earth. These youth recognize that if they do nothing, they may not have a future at all. They are looking to elders for guidance as they travel to communities where people have discovered innovative solutions in order to decolonize themselves, their communities and the world.
This documentary film series merges indigenous wisdom, science and technology with earth friendly modern science and technology, focusing on clean water, food sustainability, detoxification of our environment, clean renewable energy, indigenous rights, health and wellness, social-ecological justice and truth and reconciliation.
The journey begins in Hawaii where the threat of a nuclear missile attack on Oahu catalyzes 4 local youth into action. Raised with the values of love for their communities and Mother Earth, they have also witnessed the desecration of the land, water and the violation of human rights in the islands. For the first time they are fearful that they may not have a future.
They look to Native Hawaiian elders for guidance as well as cultural practitioners and scientists to show them how Hawaiians have lived sustainably for thousands of years. As they are immersed in the issues and solutions present within their communities, they are inspired more than ever to seek solutions to other global challenges and embark on a journey to meet with Nobel Peace winners and some of the world’s greatest teachers in spirituality, integrative medicine, science, the arts and social activism.
From Hawaii we travel to Native American reservations, where we learn how spiritual beliefs and cultural practices are fueling scientific research and sustainable solutions in response to uranium poisoning and environmental damage. We then travel to Canada where First Nation’s people have come together to protect the land, water and natural creation from oil pipelines that are desecrating the earth and water. We also learn from the Snuneymuxw nation who have previously suffered a high rate of youth suicide, and have been suicide free for 5 years. Next we visit Cuba, where we see how an island in the midst of a global economic blockade has become a model of self sufficiency and sustainability through organic farming, reforestation and more. In South Africa, we explore the history of apartheid and the process of healing through peace and reconciliation. In Sri Lanka we observe how modern social engineering and traditional values combine to help eliminate hunger and poverty. Finally, youth travel north of the Arctic Circle, to Norway and experience how Sami indigenous people are revitalizing their languages and traditional livelihoods at an impressively high rate while influencing the Norwegian government to make some of the most progressive social, economic and environmental protections across the globe. The youth find hope in the solutions they are exposed to, discover their voice, cultivate their gifts and embark upon their life’s path.
The Calling features remarkable elders and visionaries such as Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Ela Gandhi, Winona LaDuke, Walter Ritte, Rigoberta Menchu Tum, Angela Davis and more who share their personal stories of how they were able to rise above hardships, recognize their own Calling, and mature into leaders who have impacted significant change in our world (The Calling is in the process of confirming participants).
Combining historical and verité footage, The Calling documentary film series is a remarkable odyssey of healing and transformation. The stories told by the youth direct to the camera share their vulnerability, bravery and commitment to creating a healthy world. The film offers a holistic approach to problem solving as we bridge the gaps and foster relationships between elders and youth, between education and healing, and between indigeneity and science, while highlighting the myriad of possibilities available to heal ourselves and heal our planet.